
From 08/22/2013 to 09/20/2013


10:16 am Bug #46: Coordinate issue in hg19
Now I see the problem. It is because on a wide zoom level in the browser, one pixel width of the horizontal axis span... Xin Zhou
08:13 am Bug #46: Coordinate issue in hg19
Weird.. I just tried on my laptop and still have the same problem but now the coordinate is different again.. Junchen Gu
07:45 am Bug #46: Coordinate issue in hg19
cannot reproduce this problem Xin Zhou


10:59 pm Feature #48 (New): automatically refresh cache
* I think it might be useful that the browser could refresh cache automatically Daofeng Li
10:54 pm Bug #47 (Closed): wrong Y axis range display
Solved and closed. Daofeng Li
06:59 pm Bug #47 (Resolved): wrong Y axis range display
Fixed. Please test it thanks! Xin Zhou
06:26 pm Bug #47 (Closed): wrong Y axis range display
showing hg18 mm1s default tracks
* applying rpm/bp normalization method to the read density data
* the five bam den...
Xin Zhou
02:24 pm Bug #46 (New): Coordinate issue in hg19
I found this issue in hg19:
Steps to reproduce:
copy chr5:131800537-131801093 into the coordinate window and cl...
Junchen Gu
08:21 am Bug #43 (Closed): screenshot error on hub
solved and closed! Daofeng Li
08:18 am Bug #45 (Closed): mappability track display issue
confirmed solved. Daofeng Li
08:17 am Bug #45 (Resolved): mappability track display issue
Fixed. This was a bug that under "automatic scale mode", if all values of the track are >0, the Y scale minimum value... Xin Zhou


11:00 pm Bug #45 (Closed): mappability track display issue
* the browser display the 36mer mappability track with min value as 0
* a screenshot attached
* while if I query th...
Daofeng Li
02:22 pm Bug #43 (Resolved): screenshot error on hub
Thanks so much for finding this bug! The track that has trouble with SVG output is "grouped", which means it shares Y... Xin Zhou
08:50 am Bug #31 (Closed): Cannot refresh Tabix index file
Xin Zhou
08:49 am Bug #44 (Closed): long range track display weird in SVG output
* noticed this issue before, but could be solved by using PDF files instead
* currently a people mailed our list, he...
Daofeng Li


10:08 pm Bug #37 (Closed): track loading indicator text always display 'working' after finish of loading
closed! Daofeng Li
09:58 pm Bug #38 (Closed): new hub Turn off Gene Set View not work
closed! Daofeng Li
09:58 pm Bug #39 (Closed): json syntax error when running gene set view
closed! Daofeng Li
09:58 pm Bug #40 (Closed): gene plot crashed on gene set of json hub
Daofeng Li
09:57 pm Bug #41 (Closed): scatter plot json error
Daofeng Li
09:57 pm Bug #40: gene plot crashed on gene set of json hub
closed! Daofeng Li
09:57 pm Bug #41: scatter plot json error
closed! Daofeng Li
09:57 pm Bug #42 (Closed): json hub load error
closed! Daofeng Li
09:56 pm Bug #43 (Closed): screenshot error on hub
* using hub
* Apps->Screenshot
* An error 'Uncaught TypeError: Can...
Daofeng Li
12:19 pm Bug #37 (Resolved): track loading indicator text always display 'working' after finish of loading
fixed in v23.3, please test, thanks! Xin Zhou
09:07 am Feature #14 (Closed): Custom categorical track
Xin Zhou
09:06 am Feature #34 (Closed): add soybean genome
Xin Zhou
09:06 am Feature #35 (Closed): add common bean genome
Xin Zhou
09:06 am Feature #36 (Closed): add Brassica Rapa genome
Xin Zhou
07:33 am Bug #42 (Resolved): json hub load error
Change to datahub json format: json objects must be enclosed inside [] (on test browser)
Xin Zhou


10:24 pm Bug #42 (Closed): json hub load error
* use the hub
* missing type information error
* repeat 3 times
Daofeng Li
08:34 am Bug #41 (Resolved): scatter plot json error
fixed on test browser Xin Zhou
08:34 am Bug #40 (Resolved): gene plot crashed on gene set of json hub
fixed on test browser Xin Zhou
08:34 am Bug #39 (Resolved): json syntax error when running gene set view
fixed on test browser Xin Zhou
08:33 am Bug #38 (Resolved): new hub Turn off Gene Set View not work
fixed on test server Xin Zhou


09:43 pm Bug #41 (Closed): scatter plot json error
* using json hub
* select scatter plot for 1st gene set with any 2 ...
Daofeng Li
09:42 pm Bug #40 (Closed): gene plot crashed on gene set of json hub
* using hub for hg19
* do gene plot on 2nd gene set
* crashed with...
Daofeng Li
09:41 pm Bug #39 (Closed): json syntax error when running gene set view
* using the hub for hg19:
* run gene set view on 2nd gene set
* cr...
Daofeng Li
09:39 pm Bug #38 (Closed): new hub Turn off Gene Set View not work
* using the new json hub for hg19:
* after gene set view on 1st gen...
Daofeng Li


10:18 pm Bug #37 (Closed): track loading indicator text always display 'working' after finish of loading
* the will happen if you click the header of each group
* for example, you click 'Expression', then 'add selected'
Daofeng Li


05:22 pm Feature #36: add Brassica Rapa genome
forget the screenshot... Daofeng Li
05:20 pm Feature #36: add Brassica Rapa genome
added to test server.
While I got a Json syntax error when using chromosome to jump to another location.
the er...
Daofeng Li


03:06 pm Feature #36: add Brassica Rapa genome
Have problem with downloading of the data.
Tried registration few times, was not able to access the data.
Daofeng Li
09:15 am Feature #35: add common bean genome
fixed Daofeng Li
04:01 am Feature #36 (Closed): add Brassica Rapa genome Xin Zhou
03:58 am Feature #35: add common bean genome
use "common bean" instead of "commonbean" for species name
Pay attention to spelling!
Xin Zhou


10:02 pm Feature #34: add soybean genome
Thanks, fixed! Daofeng Li
10:02 pm Feature #35: add common bean genome
Thanks, fixed! Daofeng Li
09:27 pm Feature #35: add common bean genome
same problem as soybean genome, please remove trailing comma from "defaultScaffold" Xin Zhou
09:07 pm Feature #34: add soybean genome
thanks a lot!
Scaffold listing is not shown (click blue coordinate button, choose "zoom into a chrom"), please rem...
Xin Zhou


12:30 pm Feature #35: add common bean genome
added to test Daofeng Li
12:27 pm Revision 52e54a06: add soybean and commonbean, fix mm10 decor link
Daofeng Li
12:27 pm Browser Metadata Revision 52e54a06: add soybean and commonbean, fix mm10 decor link
Daofeng Li
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