Bug #155

browser url parameter for coordinate not working

Added by Junchen Gu about 10 years ago. Updated about 10 years ago.

Status:Rejected Start date:02/07/2014
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assignee:Xin Zhou % Done:


Category:- Spent time: -
Target version:-


If you go to my Feb. 2014 wiki and on Feb. 6-7, I have a table of regions and in the last column there are browser links. If you click the first link, it goes to the desired location. Then you click the second link, the browser still stays in the first location and didn't jump to a new one. In the attached browser shot, the url and the actual coordinate don't match.

I've tried on Chrome and Safari and it's the same issue on both.

140207 WashU_Epigenome_Browser.png (74.1 kB) Junchen Gu, 02/07/2014 04:11 pm


Updated by Xin Zhou about 10 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Rejected

When the "session" and "statusId" parameters are in use, the "coordinate" parameter is disregarded, since the view range will be recovered from the session.

Updated by Junchen Gu about 10 years ago

OK. I see.

Then how do I include the gene annotation track by default with my own data? When I uploaded my own tracks in a hub file, that doesn't include a gene annotation track. Do I have to build one myself? Is there a mechanism to have annotation tracks there by default?

Updated by Xin Zhou about 10 years ago

Use the "native_track" keyword and add gene track to your JSON datahub.

Find example in this hub:


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