
From 12/04/2013 to 01/02/2014


10:09 pm Feature #134 (New): Track configuration on ipad
*Configure a track could be only be accessed by right click
*On ipad, don't know how to do 'right click'
*Would it ...
Daofeng Li


04:43 pm Bug #133 (Rejected): custom bed submit error
Invalid format, 5th field should be unique integer
This format is outdated, better use the new JSON format (like g...
Xin Zhou
03:56 pm Bug #133 (Rejected): custom bed submit error
* url:
* same file works for test server, when submit to public server...
Daofeng Li
03:55 pm Bug #132 (Closed): default tracks were not be able to be added to genome snapshot
* fixed Daofeng Li


09:36 am Feature #58 (Resolved): make publichubs for ENCODE tracks
Xin Zhou
09:35 am Bug #132 (Resolved): default tracks were not be able to be added to genome snapshot
Xin Zhou
09:35 am Bug #132: default tracks were not be able to be added to genome snapshot
Fixed! Thanks. Xin Zhou
09:10 am Bug #130 (Resolved): chromosome sequence display error
Fixed in v30.5 Xin Zhou


09:15 pm Bug #131 (Closed): new genome have no 'Tracks' button
fixed and closed Daofeng Li
08:43 pm Bug #132 (Closed): default tracks were not be able to be added to genome snapshot
* v30.5
* loading hg19
* in genome snapshot panel, for example the refseq track was listed, but could not be able t...
Daofeng Li


08:10 am Bug #131 (Resolved): new genome have no 'Tracks' button
Definitely a bug, fixed! Xin Zhou


11:27 pm Bug #131 (Closed): new genome have no 'Tracks' button
* add new genome from 'add new genome' button
* no 'Tracks' button
* not sure it's a design or a bug
Daofeng Li
02:13 pm Bug #130 (Closed): chromosome sequence display error
chromosome sequence should be printed on chromosome bar at sufficient zoom-in level. During gene set view, zoom in at... Xin Zhou
09:03 am Bug #129 (Rejected): native tracks not shown in public hub
refseq and rmsk_ensemble are so called "native annotation tracks" and they do not belong to Roadmap track hub so they... Xin Zhou
08:57 am Bug #129 (Rejected): native tracks not shown in public hub
* the refseq and rmsk_ensemble didn't shown in public hub
Daofeng Li
07:27 am Bug #119 (Resolved): fixedscale and track height probem in json hub
Remaining issues fixed in v30.4.1
* native track height configuration
* track order in the hub
Xin Zhou
07:25 am Bug #123 (Resolved): embedded browser cannot handle hidden tracks
Fixed in v30.4.1 Xin Zhou


10:23 pm Bug #124 (Closed): Querying for SOX2 but got SOX21 when adding gene set
Fixed and closed. Daofeng Li
10:20 pm Bug #126 (Closed): genome snapshot error
Daofeng Li
10:20 pm Bug #126: genome snapshot error
Fixed and closed. Daofeng Li
10:20 pm Bug #125 (Closed): could not select numerical track from geneplot
Fixed and closed. Daofeng Li
10:18 pm Bug #127 (Closed): could not select track for scatter plot
Fixed and closed. Daofeng Li
08:23 am Bug #125 (Resolved): could not select numerical track from geneplot
Fixed in v30.4.1 Xin Zhou
08:23 am Bug #127 (Resolved): could not select track for scatter plot
Xin Zhou
08:23 am Bug #127: could not select track for scatter plot
Fixed in v30.4.1 Xin Zhou
08:22 am Bug #128 (Rejected): upload a session didn't show the status list
Not a bug it's the way it currently works. Downloaded session does not remember its original session group. Xin Zhou
07:44 am Bug #126 (Resolved): genome snapshot error
Fixed in v30.4.1. Thanks! Xin Zhou


10:01 pm Bug #128 (Rejected): upload a session didn't show the status list
* use the session id could show the status list
* a bug or a design?
Daofeng Li
09:55 pm Bug #127 (Closed): could not select track for scatter plot
* like issue #125 Daofeng Li
09:51 pm Bug #126 (Closed): genome snapshot error
* the new v30.4 code
* loading roadmap hub
* select genome snapshot -> add tracks
* see error from attached screen...
Daofeng Li
09:48 pm Bug #125 (Closed): could not select numerical track from geneplot
* the new v30.4 code
* after load Roadmap hub, could not add numerical tracks when doing geneplot
Daofeng Li
07:21 am Bug #122: defaultcontent=on behavior differently since v30.2
Yes good point. Now you will need to import Roadmap hub to show these default tracks. I will make it possible for emb... Xin Zhou


05:40 pm Bug #122: defaultcontent=on behavior differently since v30.2
* this change would affect the embedded browser with default tracks
** like
Daofeng Li


10:03 am Bug #122 (Rejected): defaultcontent=on behavior differently since v30.2
This is not an issue, rather a feature change.
There's no default dataset anymore. User must specifically choose a...
Xin Zhou
09:29 am Bug #124 (Resolved): Querying for SOX2 but got SOX21 when adding gene set
Fixed on public browser. Xin Zhou
09:28 am Bug #124 (Closed): Querying for SOX2 but got SOX21 when adding gene set
Add gene set > enter SOX2 > Submit, but got SOX21 instead Xin Zhou


09:38 am Bug #123 (Closed): embedded browser cannot handle hidden tracks
If a track is set to be hidden by default, the embedding fails Xin Zhou


11:37 pm Bug #122 (Rejected): defaultcontent=on behavior differently since v30.2
* defaultcontent=on still works
* now if users want to see default tracks, have to use following link:
Daofeng Li


01:40 pm Bug #121 (Closed): duplicated display of meta colormap
Daofeng Li
01:22 pm Bug #121 (Resolved): duplicated display of meta colormap
Fixed! Thanks, Xin Zhou
01:08 pm Bug #121 (Closed): duplicated display of meta colormap
* the new v30.2 code at test
* after loading roadmap then load encode, the metadata color map display 2 Sample and 2...
Daofeng Li


12:55 pm Bug #120 (Closed): custom bed track strand issue
* yes, indeed. Daofeng Li
12:48 pm Bug #120 (Resolved): custom bed track strand issue
fixed on public browser. Xin Zhou
12:18 pm Bug #120 (Closed): custom bed track strand issue
* the strand would display as 'reverse' when the strand was actually a dot '.'
* see Hyungjoo's hub (DMR tracks) fo...
Daofeng Li
07:00 am Bug #119: fixedscale and track height probem in json hub
tracks with "group:1" attribute all share a common scale range and the range is automatic. You cannot apply fixed sca... Xin Zhou
12:30 am Bug #83 (Closed): oversize text in SVG on Firefox
Daofeng Li
12:29 am Bug #116 (Closed): chromHMM tracks cannot be found by "chromhmm" keyword
Daofeng Li
12:29 am washugb v30 release
* We have released v30 of WashU EpiGenome Browser.
h2. Updates:
* custom gene tracks, more details please see: ...
Daofeng Li
12:27 am Bug #119 (Closed): fixedscale and track height probem in json hub
* I am working with Hyungjoo for his hub
* url:
* pro...
Daofeng Li
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