
From 06/21/2013 to 07/20/2013


02:43 pm Bug #6 (Closed): scatter plot shared between genomes and caused Json syntax error
* steps to reproduce
## open hg19
## add danRer7
## in danRer7, submit the default genelist as gene set
## in dan...
Daofeng Li


05:12 pm Browser Metadata Bug #4 (Resolved): danRer7 assay H2AFV_ChIP-chip misplaced
Daofeng Li
04:56 pm Browser Metadata Bug #4 (Closed): danRer7 assay H2AFV_ChIP-chip misplaced
* the assay H2AFV_ChIP-chip should belong to 'Histone modifications'
* thanks to HyungJoo
Daofeng Li
01:34 pm Bug #3 (New): Safari 5 navigation display disorder
* happend in Safari 5
* the navigation buttons not displayed well
* see attached screenshot
Daofeng Li
01:23 pm Bug #2 (Closed): chrome empty canvas
* happend only in Google Chrome under MacOSX
* not existed in Safari, IE10, Firefox and even Google Chrome under Win...
Daofeng Li
12:01 pm Feature #1 (Rejected): switch genome button
adding switch genome button as a feature request. Daofeng Li
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