Bug #160

Custom PE BAM files unstable

Added by Rebecca Lowdon about 10 years ago. Updated almost 10 years ago.

Status:Closed Start date:02/13/2014
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assignee:Xin Zhou % Done:


Category:- Spent time: -
Target version:-


BAM tracks of paired-end alignments appear unstable on the browser. Relocating or zooming in/out causes reads to "move" and change position.

Browser session app isn't working.... Load these 2 tracks:

1 PE: http://cgs.wustl.edu/~rlowdon/iPCR_Jan2013/sample1.sorted.mapped_only.bam
1 softclipped SE: http://cgs.wustl.edu/~rlowdon/iPCR_Jan2013/softclipped/sample1_bt2.mapped.bam

And jump to: chr4:32115941-32116000

Scroll left/right. Even just with scrolling, you can see that the PE BAM alignments appear to "move", it is unclear where exactly the read is aligned to.
In contrast, the single-end alignments don't change position along the chromosome (but they do appear to rearrange their order vertically along the y-axis of the track -- probably fine).

Also available in: Atom PDF