
From 06/02/2014 to 07/01/2014


03:22 pm Bug #199 (Closed): juxtaposition error when there is long range track
Thanks for fast fix! Daofeng Li
03:20 pm Bug #199 (Resolved): juxtaposition error when there is long range track
Please test the public browser again (refresh the web browser before testing). Xin Zhou
03:12 pm Bug #199 (Closed): juxtaposition error when there is long range track
* load hg19, adding 1 long range track, do juxtaposition on refGene track, an error happened, shown in screenshot Daofeng Li
09:51 am Bug #198 (New): refresh cache issue
* browser may crash when did refresh cache on some tracks
* the track fils are all there, did refresh URL on web bro...
Daofeng Li


11:41 pm Bug #192 (Closed): circlet plot JS error
Daofeng Li
11:40 pm Bug #197 (Closed): js TypeError for danRer7
Daofeng Li


03:07 pm Bug #192 (Resolved): circlet plot JS error
Fixed. Xin Zhou
03:04 pm Bug #197 (Resolved): js TypeError for danRer7
please try again on public browser to see if it's fixed. Xin Zhou
02:56 pm Bug #197 (Closed): js TypeError for danRer7
* loading hub from danRer7
* change coodinates to chrM, like chrM 1 1000, zoom out 5 fold several times, you would s...
Daofeng Li


12:47 am Bug #196 (Closed): embedded browser JS error
cannot reproduce now and closed Daofeng Li


07:12 am Bug #196: embedded browser JS error
which web page? Xin Zhou
12:31 am Bug #195 (Closed): genome snapshot not working
Daofeng Li
12:31 am Bug #196 (Closed): embedded browser JS error
* found a JS error on the embedded page, while not effect using browser though
** Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read pr...
Daofeng Li


07:24 am Bug #195 (Resolved): genome snapshot not working
fixed on public browser Xin Zhou


11:16 pm Bug #195 (Closed): genome snapshot not working
* a JS error happened:
** Uncaught ReferenceError: colors is not defined bev.js:169
Daofeng Li
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