Bug #235

Gene shading feature inconsistent and needs to be made optional

Added by Rebecca Lowdon over 10 years ago.

Status:New Start date:10/16/2014
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assignee:- % Done:


Category:- Spent time: -
Target version:-


I guess there is a new feature where genes you relocate to are shaded? I can see the value in this, but it needs to be made optional!

Also it seems to be inconsistent and dependent on gene size:
1. When I relocate to a gene (I've been testing TFAP2C, SFN, KRT5 this morning) it is NOT shaded. Once I zoom out it becomes shaded, but the shorter genes (KRT5 and SFN) are much darker than the longer ones (TFAP2C, CASZ1). Then again, I think it is more related to how much you zoom out.
2. But only sometimes when I zoom out does it become shaded. The feature seems pretty unstable.

My session: http://epigenomegateway.wustl.edu/browser/?genome=hg19&session=aPGTwIl8Yx
You can delete this session when finished.

Screen Shot 2014-10-16 at 9.43.50 AM.png - zoomed out small genes very dark (15 kB) Rebecca Lowdon, 10/16/2014 09:55 am

Screen Shot 2014-10-16 at 9.51.28 AM.png - zoomed in large genes light (59.8 kB) Rebecca Lowdon, 10/16/2014 09:55 am

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